Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique in which fine needles areinserted into specific acupoints in a patient’s body, using various needle manipulation techniques like twisting and lifting, to achieve the effects of body conditioning and pain management. Acupuncture can be used to treat and prevent various chronic or acute illnesses. It can also be used to alleviate pain and facilitate tissue repair by needling specific locations, such as muscles, joints, and reflex zones.
Acupuncture can assist in
Enhancing body's immune system
regulating endocrine system disorders. -
Improving Gynecology issues
regulating emotional stress, enhancing sleep quality, and others. -
Relieving acute and chronic pain
Addressing and relieving acute and chronic pain in muscles and joints throughout the body. -
Managing cancer-related pain
alleviating side effects of chemotherapy. -
Alternative medical options
Assisting patients who are not suitable for pain medication or have not experienced improvement from Western medical treatments.